Wednesday, April 15, 2009


So I failed again! We went to Overton for Easter weekend and I didn't take a single picture. It was a whirlwind trip. Luke and John spent all day Friday working on my car and then Saturday morning finishing it up. Then John and I drove to Vegas on Saturday afternoon to get the alignment done. Then we came back and just hung around on Saturday night and then got up and came home Sunday. It was so fast. I did however have plenty of awesome photo opportunities with Dallin and Troy. I totally failed though and didn't get my camera out of my purse even once. Dallin and I played in my parents backyard a ton. That boy cracks me up, and Troy is getting so big. He is adorable! Hopefully the next time we do something besides work, I will be more with it and take a picture!
Thanks again Luke! You are the BEST!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Lady! Don't mind my blog stalking. Gonna add you to my link list if that's okay!