Friday, September 12, 2008

Peach Pie! (and a sleeping dog)

So I decided to make a pie from scratch! I have never done it before. I made the crust and everything. We had some extra peaches lying around and it turned out so well! It made two so I took one for my young women to enjoy!

And while I was at work one evening John was "studying". He was actually taking pictures of our sleeping dog that he loves! I bet you he didnt let the poor sleeping dog lie though. He loves to torment him!


peer pressure made me do it said...

you are such a susie homemaker. i want to be just like you when i grow up. carolee

The Hunts said...

Your pie looks yummy! Good Job.

peer pressure made me do it said...

Hey loser. Now that you're only working a few dys a week start updating this thing. I'm finding that it's like crack and I can't stop looking at mine and planning what to post. It's like internet crack! Not to be confused with internet porn, gambling or game playing! Love you! Carolee

The Hunts said...

We're excited to see your next pie. Your peach one is getting moldy. JK. We're anxious to see what's new with you guys. We need to get together.

Anonymous said...

Hey, this is Zane. John's friend. He said we would get together and then he never called back. Why wouldn't he call?

Just kidding.

We do need to meet up sometime though.