Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Super Kusko!

I was hard at work on Monday night in the dental hygiene clinic. John had just gotten home from a long day at school and he found that Kusko had decided to have some fun while we were away. I had gone to Kohls earlier that day to buy some new running shoes. My old ones were starting to get big holes in the sides so John said I had better go buy some new ones....or else....
So I bought some shoes and decided to wear them to clinic. I left the shoe box inside the Kohls bag on the floor. Kusko usually doesn't bother stuff that isnt edible but last night he must have been bored or something. John opened the front door and heard some weird rustling under the table. He said he was a little worried because he thought no one was home. Then he saw little Kusko wearing a Kohls bag like a cape! He had shredded up some of the stuffing from inside the shoe box and somehow had gotten his head and one leg through one of the handles on the shopping bag.
I love when John stumbles upon stuff like this. There is no way I would have reached for the camera. My first thought would be, Oh No! Get the bag off the poor stupid dog! But John of course reaches for the camera first. I think that is a good sign for his future parenting skills. He will be taking pictures and I will be freaking out.... sounds like a pretty good partnership actually.


peer pressure made me do it said...

You guys are scaring me. Don't you know not to leave grocery bags lying around? It says that on the bag. Isn't there like a pic of a baby and/or a dog suffocating in those bags printed right on the bag. I'm personally worrried about your parenting skills. Good video though. Way to go for the camera. We probably would have just slapped Scout. Marcus wants to know what Super Kusko's powers are?

The Hunts said...

Well, i have a feeling that our parenting skills are definitely lacking. I am pretty sure we are inadequate.... And tell Marcus that Super Kusko has really a lot of powers, such as:
he can sleep for 24 hours at a time, he can eat whole tubs of vaseline, he can eat entire corn cobs, he can belch louder than any dog I have ever known (you can see that for yourself in November), he knows how to tell time (he always knows when it is 6 a.m.), and he can fit through incredibly small spaces. Face it...he's amazing!

peer pressure made me do it said...

Yes. But can he fly?

The Hunts said...

Obviously he can fly...I mean, why wear a cape if you cant fly??????

j&krosser said...

You crack me up! I think blogging is to blame in the lack of parenting department- seriously the first reaction to most things is "where is my camera so I can blog this?"

The Hunts said...

love your clip